Monday, January 18, 2016

1/18-One freedom almost no Americans ever give a split-second’s thought to is the freedom to DISCUSS politics. Oh, sure, we know and treasure our ability to nominate and vote and elect, but – truthfully, now – have you ever stopped to relish the freedom to haul off and discuss politics and agree, disagree, laugh make bets, hammer our feelings home, etc. Barry nominates matrimonial attorney DONALD O’SULLIVAN as the best “plain old political schmoozer and brings him on to show off his skills. O’Sullivan visits with Sara and Barry this evening. IF THE GUY IS ON CRUTCHES YOU DON’T EXPECT SPRINTS. IF HIS RIGHT ARM IS IN A SLING YOU DON’T EXPECT LONG PASSES. BARRY EXPLAINS HOW HE WAS PUT IN HIS PLACE ONCE AND FOR ALL WHEN HE TRIED TO TALK POLITICS IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY.

One freedom almost no Americans ever give a split-second’s thought to is the freedom to DISCUSS politics.  Oh, sure, we know and treasure our ability to nominate and vote and elect, but – truthfully, now – have you ever stopped to relish the freedom to haul off and discuss politics and agree, disagree, laugh make bets, hammer our feelings home, etc.  Barry nominates matrimonial attorney DONALD O’SULLIVAN as the best “plain old political schmoozer and brings him on to show off his skills.  O’Sullivan visits with Sara and Barry this evening.

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