Tuesday, June 11, 2013

6/11-Can't you picture an infuriated Adolf Hitler pounding the table and shouting, "Dammit, those awards all belong to ME!"?

In the desert they call it a sandstorm.  At sea it's all deliberate and they call it a smoke-screen.  Occasionally scandals about the IRS, Benghazi, the NSA, etc. will coalesce into a miasma that allows the unbelievable to come out and play.  Can you believe that, while you were blinded by the current miasma, Raul Castro's daughter was given a visa by the United States so she could come to America to accept an award.  What kind of award?  I couldn't give it to you all at once.  It was a HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD!  Cuban-American freedom- writer HUMBERTO FONTOVA visits with Sara and Barry with details -- and much, much more!

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